Jordan Stephens




I'm a software engineer living in Vancouver, British Columbia. I'm interested in music, physics, horticulture, and software systems.


  • Defang live

    Defang is the easiest way to deploy your application to your favourite cloud. Defang leverages the Compose specification to take a logical description of your application services and translate that into secure, scalable cloud-specific infrastructure.

  • Slipwise

    Slipwise is the Marina Operating System. Simplifying customer contracts, insurance collection, payments, and operations planning.

  • Fleetio live

    Fleetio is the best-in-class solution for fleet maintenance management, empowering tomorrow's fleets with the ultimate source for actionable insights.

  • Care/of

    Care/of is a healthcare technology company simplifying consumer health, starting with a fully personalized vitamin pack.

  • Artemis live

    Argemis is a Cultivation Management Platform which enables growers to manage people, plants, process and compliance.

  • ROLI Connect live

    ROLI Connect brings ROLI to your desktop, helping you manage your ROLI Software, and making it easy to configure your BLOCKS for your DAW.

    ROLI Connect
  • live

    A social network built around the ROLI NOISE app with an interactive player built on top of the Web Audio API.
  • Sleep Machine live, source

    A generative arpeggiator music box using an interactive first-order markov chain.

    Sleep Machine
  • Mono live, source

    A monophonic synthesizer in your web browser that you can play with your computer keyboard. It is built on top of the Web Audio API, and was created as an exercise in using Clojurescript.

  • Brouwer live, source

    A tool to vizualize the orbital paths of a satellite with any arbitrary orbital parameters.

  • Prograde live, source

    A tool to vizualize the ground paths of satellite orbits over earth with any arbitrary orbital parameters. Instead of being confined to the path of a known satellite, you can freely modify the orbital parameters to gain intuition about how each parameter affects an orbit's ground path.

  • MotoLogic overview, demo

    A tool used by automotive technicians to help them diagnose and repair vehicle issues by providing them with any manufacturer or after-market technical data that they might need.



More projects and source code can be found on Github. I also post photos on vsco, and say nonsense on twitter.